Sources |
- [S11] Social Security Death Index 1935 - Current, (
Name: John Manning
SSN: 411-01-6258
Last Residence: 37319 Cowan, Franklin, Tennessee, USA
BORN: 3 Sep 1889
Died: Aug 1968
State (Year) SSN issued: Tennessee (Before 1951)
- [S16] Obituary, The Chattanooga Times, Thursday, August 8, 1968.
Porter Street, Daisy, Term., died at the residence Tuesday afternoon after a lingering illness. He was a member of the South Daisy Baptist Church, a retired employee of the Harriman Manufacturing Co. and a member of Daisy Masonic Lodge No. 704 F&AM. He was the son of the late James and Elizabeth Petty Manning, pioneer settlers of North Hamilton County. Survivors, wife, Mrs. Winnie Manning, Daisy; three daughters, Mrs. Blanche Dobbs, Mrs. Ellen Simpson, Mrs. Lorene Williams, all of Daisy; two brothers, Floyd Manning, Chattanooga; Luther Manning, Daisy: nine sisters, Mrs. Alice Whalen. Mrs. Lottie West, both of Daisy; Mrs. Susie Levi, Chattanooga; Mrs. Maggie Reno, Brainerd: Mrs. Ebble McDanlels, Harrison, Tenn.; Mrs. Viola Griffin, Timina, Fla;: Mrs. Elizabeth Bice, Bralnerd; Mrs. Bessie Stevens, Bralnerd; Mrs. Winnie Pardon, Hixson; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday from the South Daisy Baptist Church by the Rev. Bill Freeney and the Rev. Jack May. Interment in Hensley Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Raymond Whalen, Raymond Whalen Jr., Eugene Whalen, Tom Ables, Clarence Manning. Jim Phlllips. Honorarv pallbearers will be the Men's Bible Class of the South Daisy Baptist Church, Daisy Masonic Lodge No. 706 F&AM, who will have charge of services at the grave. The body will remain at the funeral home. Wllliamson-Garrlson Funeral Home, Highway 27, Daisy, in charge.
- [S54] Hensley Cemetery Survey, Hamilton County Tennessee Genealogical Society, (
- [S6] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1918, (
Name: John Robert Manning
County: Hamilton
State: Tennessee
Birthplace: Tennessee,United States of America
Birth Date: 3 Sep 1890
Race: Caucasian (White)
Draft Board: 1
- [S16] Obituary, The Chattanooga Times, Thursday, August 8, 1968.
Porter Street, Daisy, Term., died at the residence Tuesday afternoon after a lingering illness. He was a member of the South Daisy Baptist Church, a retired employee of the Harriman Manufacturing Co. and a member of Daisy Masonic Lodge No. 704 F&AM.
He was the son of the late James and Elizabeth Petty Manning, pioneer settlers of North Hamilton County.
Survivors, wife, Mrs. Winnie Manning, Daisy; three daughters, Mrs. Blanche Dobbs, Mrs. Ellen Simpson, Mrs. Lorene Williams, all of Daisy; two brothers, Floyd Manning, Chattanooga; Luther Manning, Daisy: nine sisters, Mrs. Alice Whalen. Mrs. Lottie West, both of Daisy; Mrs. Susie Levi, Chattanooga; Mrs. Maggie Reno, Brainerd: Mrs. Ebble McDanlels, Harrison, Tenn.; Mrs. Viola Griffin, Timina, Fla;: Mrs. Elizabeth Bice, Brainerd; Mrs. Bessie Stevens, Brainerd; Mrs. Winnie Pardon, Hixson; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday from the South Daisy Baptist Church by the Rev. Bill Freeney and the Rev. Jack May. Interment in Hensley Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Raymond Whalen, Raymond Whalen Jr., Eugene Whalen, Tom Ables, Clarence Manning. Jim Phlllips. Honorarv pallbearers will be the Men's Bible Class of the South Daisy Baptist Church, Daisy Masonic Lodge No. 706 F&AM, who will have charge of services at the grave. The body will remain at the funeral home. Wllliamson-Garrlson Funeral Home, Highway 27, Daisy, in charge.
- [S194] Hamilton County Tennessee Marriage Records 1857 - 1888, Hamilton County Tennessee Genealogical Society, (, Book 6 Page 15.